How to become a certified member

How to become a certified member


  • Be a legally constituted company that actively participates in productive activities or services related to the international supply chain or related activities.
  • Have a commercial and legal background in their country of origin and abroad. The compnay should not have any criminal history in their country of origin or abroad, or in any case be considered by national or foreign authority as a suspicious person with legal or criminal reputation.
  • Apply for admission through a BASC Chapter in accordance with the guidelines and policies of the World BASC Organization.

General Procedure

The company shall submit to the BASC Chapter or World BASC Organization Headquarters, the documents requested in the application process for admission.

* World BASC Organization and its chapters reserve the right to approve applications received.

According to the documentary evaluation and approval, the first step for BASC membership will be completed. From that moment, the company will have 9 months to implement the BASC Security and Control Management System. Once completed the implementation, The Company in coordination with BASC will request a security audit for verification of meeting all requirements to be certified.

 World BASC Organization has trained and certified competent Auditors who act as third parties to carry out the audits and verification of compliance with BASC Norm and International Standards and their processes. (see more.. complete list of BASC International Auditors)

Based upon the results of the audit, BASC will determine elegibility for joining and may be classified as follows:
Certifyed: It refers to those companies whose Management and Control System is in compliance with the BASC Norm and international Standards.

Preselected or in process:  It refers to those companies that are approved by a BASC Chapter or the WBO, to implement the BASC Security and Control Management System and will be soon audited acording to the rules and guidelines established in the WBO Regulations and other documents.

The BASC certification is valid for one (1) year. Therefore, companies will be audited annually in order to verify the maintenance and improvement of the BASC Security and Control Management system.

The association has no obligation to explain or account for its decisions of non-compliance or disapproval of applications for admission.

General listing of BASC certified companies

General listing of companies in process of certification